Tuesday, February 10, 2009


So, I saw another post praising @comcasters. Why do people think that comcast following tweets and responding to twitters shows a customer friendly company.

This is not actually what they are doing. They are pacifying the most vocal customers. Good customer service is when they actually just improve their customer service. Not when they give preferential treatment for people who are vocal. It's great marketing tactics no doubt! But not good customer service.

How long really can they keep this up? As more people jump on Twitter (god knows why) it will become harder for them to address all the issues. Just as their phone/e-mail support right now is overloaded. What will happen, when all the Twitter users out there aren't getting responses from comcast?

Using twitter as a tech support tool also makes no fucking sense.126 characters is not a great way to diagnose my modem's connection issues. Nor do I want to broadcast my "@comcast My fucking modem is as slow as balls" "@theasm have you tried restarting it" "@comcasters yeah I did that 10 times already" conversation on the social-webo-tubes-point-oh.

The only benefit of Twitter for tech support is that it can preemptively address issues with customers satisfaction. Recently I was annoyed at my Time Warner connection for a month and would Twitter about it without actually taking the time to call them. However if Comcast has improved it's customer service to the point where it has to go find disgruntled customers, then it really has great customer service.

If Comcast really wants to improve it's customer service then my mom has to be able to pick up the phone and get good service. Again, great fucking PR/Marketing. But people let's call a fucking spade a spade this is NOT good customer service! The worst part is we eat this shit up and spread this fucking mind virus! "ZOMFGBBQ! THEY ARE TALKING TO ME!" I TWITTER TOO! let's pull out our Blackberry's and iPhone's and twitter a bunch of shit about how they get it!

Yeah they do get it, congratulations sheeple you are a tool!

- the ASM

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