Friday, February 27, 2009

What is SEO?

Somebody recently used a new term "build out our search cross tables" wtf does that mean?

I still don't quite understand the point of Search Engine Optimization as a marketing tactic. It seems to me the best SEO is getting strong inbound links. That has nothing to do with tables layout keyword matrixes and all that junk people say will help. Google has put in some great stuff for making it so you can search and see the site map underneath I LOVE THAT.

But if I search for a site like "I hate you all" and I am looking for the "sheeple" subpage, and it shows up without a site map I still click on it, then click on the sheeple page. Cause I want to click on the sheeple page. This isn't really marketing so much as customer experience on the web page which is marketing granted. You want people to have a good experience and for the most part get exactly to the page they want.

As far as the other stuff it just seems to be junk. If I had to say one thing that annoys me more then hearing people call themselves a social marketer and opining on the utopian new way of shoving our products down people's throats it's people expounding on SEO. SEO should be part of good IA. Seo should be a web designer putting a page together not just for humans to actively search it but that bots can properly index it. Natural language links are just nice looking instead asdlkjfa;slkdjfa;skdjf.php.

The whole optimizing inbound links can either use a trick or use good social marketing. The only thing a good SEO consultant does is make social marketers look like they use less buzzwords.

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